SPCH 2300 OL - Speech Communication


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My name Ms. Jane Munksgaard and I have the great pleasure of serving as your instructor in this Speech Communication course.  The successful completion of this course will bring you a few steps closer to completing your degree.  I trust that we will have a challenging and exciting 12 weeks to successfully accomplish your goals and aspirations.

Please take time to read through this greeting statement and become familiar with the organization of this online course. Click the "Modules" button on the left hand side of the screen and work your way through the "Start Here" module to learn more about this course.  The Modules will lay out all the required content and how the assignments fit into it.

Note that online classes are very different than traditional face-to-face classes in terms of how the material is presented, the nature of the interaction among class members, and the overall learning experience. This course is taught using the CANVAS Course Management System.

Syllabus and Assignments: Please review the course syllabus, assignments instructions and student expectations. Class assignments, readings, videos, handouts, etc. are posted for each Unit under the Assignment section. Please check the ASSIGNMENT section (by module) daily/ weekly to make sure you are not missing important assignments.

Please review the unit activities in the attachment.

If you have any problems accessing the canvas system, please go to the HELP function to access the feature which includes handbooks, instructions and videos.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due
CC Attribution This course content is offered under a CC Attribution license. Content in this course can be considered under this license unless otherwise noted.